Uplifting leadership

coaching & courses

Let me guide you and your team to greater success.

My leadership coaching & training plans will help you rise to the challenge of leadership with more confidence, clarity and purpose

Uplifting leadership

coaching & courses

Let me guide you and your team to greater success.

My leadership coaching & training plans will help you rise to the challenge of leadership with more confidence, clarity and purpose.


If you're looking for a way to transform your leadership through a series of bespoke, confidential, expertly-guided, results-driven conversations, then my six-month Signature Programme of leadership coaching is perfect for you. Step up your leadership skills to take your career, your team & your organisation to the next level and enjoy what you do & do it well.

Imagine being the great leader you know you can be with expert support and step-by-step guides. Watch energising video tutorials, complete thought-provoking workbooks & attend weekly group coaching calls to step up your leadership skills in no time. Identify your leadership goals, find solutions to your workplace challenges, meet your objectives, all whilst enjoying live access to me & getting unmatched peer support.

Agencies, consultancies & SMEs who want to support their teams and drive organisational outcomes will find my coaching & training programmes, including bespoke leadership workshops, the ideal solution. Working in partnership with you, I create programmes which help recruit, retain and motivate leaders and managers, and enable them to step up performance & engagement.

Expertise & energy

I bring my many years of leadership experience, coupled with energy and dedication to my work, so you can boost your leadership impact whilst also enjoying the process.

I focus on helping you become the best leader possible, making sure your professional development is a pleasure not a chore.

When you work with me, you can expect honesty, integrity and an uplifting and positive coaching style.

How does coaching work?

One-to-one coaching is best considered as a series of confidential, guided conversations. It’s a chance for you to sit down and spend quality time just thinking about yourself, your career and how you want to lead.

Typically lasting around 60 minutes, one-to-one coaching sessions are results-driven and provide the space for you to find answers to your leadership challenges.

We work together to identify solutions to the issues that matter to you. This can be anything from a lack of motivation or confidence in your skills, to securing a promotion or motivating others.

By the end of each session, you will have actionable steps you can take to achieve your professional goals.

Bespoke, flexible support

If you opt to have one-to-one coaching sessions, they will be yours to control. You choose how formal they are, how much accountability you want to take, and how much you’d like to be challenged along the way.

You can choose to follow my three-step plan or bring the topics that are important for you at the time.

If you opt to have one-to-one coaching sessions, they will be yours to control. You choose how much accountability you want to take, and how much you’d like to be challenged along the way.

You can opt to follow my 12-step plan or bring your own topics which you'd like to tackle.

If you aren’t sure exactly where you need help – perhaps you’re just struggling with a pervasive sense of being stuck or lost – we’ll work through some self-exploration exercises to find direction and discover where you want to focus your attention.

In my the three-step plan, we meet every 3-4 weeks over a 6-month period. We'll start with self-discovery, your values & strengths, and personal brand (so you can have confidence in your leadership style). Step two focuses on how to influence optimal behaviour in others (through inspiring and leading well) and step three guides you on how to move forward with positivity and clarity.

Throughout the programme, I’ll use a range of coaching models, tools, and techniques. Every person, session, or even part of a session will have different needs, so I will continually refine my approach to better show up for you in the moment. I will always follow your lead and move at whatever pace you’re comfortable with.

If you aren’t sure exactly where you need help – perhaps you’re just struggling with a pervasive sense of being stuck or lost – we’ll work through some self-exploration exercises to find direction and discover where you want to focus your attention.

Throughout the programme, I’ll use a range of coaching models, tools, and techniques. Every person, session, or even part of a session will have different needs, so I will continually refine my approach to better show up for you in the moment. I will always follow your lead and move at whatever pace you’re comfortable with.

"Linda" is my toxic manager character on TikTok, who shows us all just how bad leaders can be!

This Leadership Accelerator course will fast-track you to leadership success, in part by using some of the lessons Linda teaches us, but mostly by being guided on how to be a great leader by me!

Key leadership skills delivered in a way that no other trainer or coach can - with energy & humour - and a great combination of self-paced learning & peer support, all supported with live, interactive sessions hosted by me.

You'll learn key leadership skills, delivered in a way that no other trainer or coach can - with energy & humour - and a great combination of self-paced learning & peer support, all supported with live, interactive sessions hosted by me.

Whether you’re a business owner looking to accelerate your organisation’s success thanks to your brilliant leadership, a leader looking to step up your skills to inspire your team or an aspiring leader hoping to secure a leadership role, my accelerator course is the answer.

New intakes on the first Monday of each month. Book now to avoid disappointment as places often sell out.

Here’s where you step up your leadership skills and learn to lead with confidence, without losing your sense of humour in the process!

Whether you’re a business owner looking for a step change in your organisation’s success thanks to your brilliant leadership, a leader looking to step up your skills to inspire your team or an aspiring leader hoping to secure a leadership role, my course is the answer.

You'll get access to me, with entertainment from my alter-ego, Linda the bad manager, as seen on TikTok.

What is great leadership?

What is great leadership?

Leading by example is the answer - but how do you do that?

Leading by example is the answer - but how do you do that?

You can’t force someone to be motivated, productive, or successful in their role. No matter how hard you might try.

Instead, the best leaders do so through leading by example. They inspire and uplift others by being confident, purpose-driven, and authentically themselves.

My sessions provide a judgement-free space for experienced, new, or aspiring leaders to overcome the barriers holding them back from being their best. With bespoke professional development coaching plans and actionable steps, I’ll help you create sustained change, accelerate growth, and improve engagement across all levels of your business.

You can’t force someone to be motivated, productive, or successful in their role. No matter how hard you might try.

Instead, the best leaders do so through leading by example. They inspire and uplift others by being confident, purpose-driven, and authentically themselves.

My sessions provide a judgement-free space for experienced, new, or aspiring leaders to overcome the barriers holding them back from being their best. With bespoke professional development coaching plans and actionable steps, I’ll help you create sustained change, accelerate growth, and improve engagement across all levels of your business.

How often do you set aside quality, focused time to think about yourself, your career, and your leadership skills?

Coaching sessions give you time to invest in yourself. You are fully listened to and have space to reflect on what matters to you. You are able to identify how to feel more fulfilled and accelerate positive change.


The "How to Lead" Challenge

This free challenge sets out a simple pathway to elevate your leadership skills by creating small, easy to adopt, positive habits


The "How to Lead" Challenge

This free challenge sets out a simple pathway to elevate your leadership skills by creating small, easy to adopt, positive habits


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