You could take

my word for it

or take a look at these...

What some of my clients have to say...

Leadership Accelerator - Group Coaching


Diana Kennes, Regional Property Manager

I decided to work with Kate to support my leadership approach during a transition phase in my career. What I came away with after doing the Leadership Accelerator was a sense that I’m not alone in finding some aspects of leadership challenging.

What I really liked was having a safe space on the weekly calls to ask questions and find practical solutions. I like to learn by experiencing the concepts; I’m not someone who can learn from being simply told the theory. So having Kate on the weekly calls, and the support of the rest of the group, and hearing other people's experience of work problems helped me make sense of the situations that I found myself in. Kate’s direct yet empathetic approach, the questions she asks in coaching, helps you put things into context and reframe what seems difficult into an opportunity.

I know I have a library of concepts on which to pull; although I’m not consciously drawing on the theoretical aspects of leadership that Kate teaches, I know that the course has given me the confidence to tackle anything that comes my way. It’s all there in the back of my mind.


Rosie Flint, Assistant Head Academic

Kate’s Leadership Accelerator course transformed my relationship with my role as a senior leader in education. In a chapter of huge change for the school, I was looking for realignment and coaching was clearly the way forward. Having winced at Linda-the-bad-manager’s twittery online, seeing some of my own less-than-helpful behaviours in high definition, I knew I was onto a winner in choosing Kate’s course.

The group context and regular commitment was an ideal setting to zoom out from the operational realities of my role in the education sector and set it within the larger picture of managing people and problems in complex organisations. Kate’s wealth of experience, deft translation of theory to practical application, and skilled group facilitation create an ideal crucible in which meaningful change can happen. And it did.

Intentional thinking about my leadership principles, resetting boundaries and lightbulb realisations about self-regulation have led to greater efficacy, positive interactions with colleagues and a renewed sense of personal and professional enjoyment.

Kate’s laser-focused, empathetic questioning, her professionalism and good humour made the weekly sessions impactful and fun. The confidence and clarity I gained on the course allowed me to see what I can change and influence, and how to step around and beyond what I cannot, whilst maintaining my dignity. Most of the time, anyway! I cannot recommend the course and Kate highly enough.


Marie Therrien, Director of Implementation

Kate's approach to the course has struck the perfect balance between leadership theory and its practical application in everyday work scenarios. The group coaching sessions have provided a safe space with a supportive cohort, enabling us to share leadership challenges and insights each week.

As a result of the program, I now feel significantly more confident in my role, and this newfound confidence is positively impacting my team. I have observed improvements in their motivation and overall morale, which is incredibly rewarding. In closing, I firmly believe that this is not the end of my leadership learning journey but merely the beginning. Thank you, Kate, for your guidance and support throughout this transformative journey!


Laura Moroney, Operations Director

Kate is an expert in her field and has a way about her that ensures you feel comfortable but also challenged. She will push you to question processes that are well ingrained and help you to discover new approaches to solve both live and past issues.

The group coaching calls really help to consolidate all of the learning, where there is opportunity to practise and engage with the tools with Kate's support. You are encouraged to bring a live leadership challenge to calls, which means throughout the time I was doing the course, I felt like I had the benefit of a 1:1 leadership coach who could help support me along the way. This was critical for me, as during the course, I received a promotion which meant for the first time I was line managing a team who had line management responsibilities - which I had never done before! So having the opportunity to grow with the support of Kate has been brilliant. I've received positive feedback from my team about my leadership approach since starting the course, and will be recommending this course to many!


Sam Hallowes, Change Management Lead

I highly recommend the leadership course with Kate. It changed how I work with others, not just the people I manage but my peers and my own leaders. Eternally grateful that I discovered Kate and will be back for more learnings in the future!


Hazel Dickson, Market Development Manager

Thanks to the wonders of TikTok I went from giggling away at Kate's alter ego "Linda" - to joining her 12-week Leadership Accelerator Group Coaching Program. It's been brilliant to join weekly sessions with Kate, and a group of like-minded people also looking to figure out how they can be better versions of themselves. Kate provided video training modules, self-reflection workbooks, a community platform and virtual workshops. I've found it incredibly valuable to step outside of my usual working circle, and into an environment where, instead of jumping to solutions to problems, I've had the time and space to reflect about my own behaviours and motivations. In each session, Kate provided practical advice to put learnings into action right away. Sometimes as simple as thinking about the language used in certain situations, and how reframing can lead to much more positive outcomes. I have a little post-it note sitting in front of me with some of the pearls of wisdom Kate has provided - and I use something written on it every day. By the end of the course I am going to need a bigger post-it note :).

I have really appreciated Kate's warm, open, and safe environment, and surprised myself how much I have learned in such a short space of time. I highly recommend Kate to anyone who is looking to make work a better place for themselves and those around them, and if you are wondering what the challenges and aspirations are of peers in different organizations, group coaching is a great place to be.

Thank you Kate for being such a source of inspiration.....and to Linda - thanks for introducing me to Kate!


Steph Meyer-Scott, Insights & Strategy

Kate's leadership course is fantastic. Not only is it full of practical techniques I could (and did) apply the very next day, it gave me a new perspective on leadership and gave me the confidence to feel like I could be a great leader, while still being myself.

Kate was kind, engaging, and made everyone feel at ease - no question was too silly to ask, and it was clear she had deep experience helping people with similar struggles.


Jess G

I first came across Kate on Facebook through her "Linda, the bad manager" TikTok videos. To me, the fact that she could demonstrate so hilariously how someone should not behave as a manager meant she probably had a clear idea of how leaders should behave instead. And I was not disappointed.

I enrolled on the 12-week Leadership Accelerator course in November '23, which includes video tutorials, workbooks and weekly 90-minute group sessions, which went by in a flash, as they were packed full of useful information. They struck a great balance between theory and practice, thanks to role-playing and addressing participants' particular leadership challenges. The sessions felt very inclusive, with men and women of different ages, working in a wide range of sectors, attending the video calls from across the globe.

The course covers a range of topics such as the importance of building relationships, coaching through a combination of asking questions and active listening, delegating, defining values and setting clear boundaries. Kate also gave some great book recommendations along the way for those wishing to deepen their leadership knowledge beyond the training content.

Kate gives you lots of practical tips that you can implement in your everyday working life and helps you gain a clearer understanding of where your priorities should lie as a leader. I would highly recommend the course to anyone looking to improve their personal leadership skills.

1-2-1 Coaching


Jeff O'Neil, Founder

I'd been thinking of stepping away from working behind the chair after 40yrs of hairdressing, but didn't really know how to. Watching Kate's alter ego "Linda" on TikTok made me realise that I needed different skills to what I had if this were to happen.

Right from the start Kate helped me with these skills, but more importantly (which I never thought of), Kate gave me the confidence to "LET GO" more and to allow my team to step up.

I found Kate’s knowledge rewarding and inspiring, which in turn has given me more confidence, now that I'm changing to my next chapter in my work life. Thank you Kate.


Jerina Hardy, Head of Communications

Your coaching has changed me as a leader, for which I will always be grateful. Can’t wait to continue the journey.


Martin Hammond, General Manager

I’m writing to recommend Kate for her fantastic leadership coaching. Over just three sessions, I’ve seen a big change in both my personal development and how I manage my team.

Kate struck the perfect balance between professional and approachable. She took the time to understand what I wanted to achieve and where I was coming from. Her insights and practical tips have been incredibly helpful. I’ve started using many of the techniques she suggested on a daily and weekly basis, and the results have been great.

What I appreciated most was how Kate tailored her advice to fit my specific needs. Her feedback was always honest, spot-on and easy to put into action. Because of Kate's coaching, I’ve become a more organised and effective leader

The sessions were professional but had a relaxed and friendly vibe, making it easy to open up and get the most out of the experience. Kate has a genuine passion for helping people grow, and it shows in her coaching style.

Overall, working with Kate has been a game-changer for me. I highly recommend her coaching to anyone looking to improve their leadership skills.


Kat McHale, Head of Gamification

Kate's coaching approach, coupled with her wealth of experience, truly sets her apart. Her ability to understand the intricacies of leadership challenges and provide practical solutions is unparalleled. Through her insightful coaching sessions, I have not only improved as a leader but have also seen a positive impact on my team's performance and satisfaction.

Kate's dedication to her clients' success is evident in every session and I wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone seeking a skilled and experienced leadership coach.

Thank you, Kate, for your outstanding support and guidance!


Elizabeth Marlow, Executive Producer

Working was Kate was absolutely wonderful! Our sessions together were extremely productive and insightful, I learned invaluable practices that I've implemented in my management role that have proven to be both beneficial and lasting when it comes to daily operations with my team. Highly recommended!


Craig Northveth, CEO

I’ve had the privilege of working with Kate for last couple of years at The Network Collective, initially as a peer, but more recently as a leadership coach, where she has provided invaluable support and guidance on my road to becoming a CEO.

I found Kate’s approach, technique and style to be very refreshing in comparison to other “coaching” experiences I’ve had in in the past. Based on my experience of the coaching programme, we have now extended the leadership coaching to members of the SMT and it is already paying dividends in relation to new and improved behaviours in them and their respective teams.


Maria Hvorostovsky, Headhunter & Podcaster

Whilst her TikTok alter ego Linda shames you, Kate validates and hears you. Don’t be fooled though, she won’t let you off the hook if there is something she needs to challenge you on.

Kate helped me define my values, reflect on where they align with my behaviour as well as those of others and give practical tips on how to go forward. If you’re new to coaching – she will take very good care of you. And if you are a pro – you’ll learn many more things than you thought you would. Kate’s intellect is razor sharp, she is exceptionally professional, and just ‘gets you’. Easy to work with, you can trust her.


John Waterhouse, Founder & Chairman

I find the discipline of carving out time for coaching to be hugely beneficial. It's an incredibly efficient use of time, as by the end of each session, I nearly always come up with several concrete next steps, thanks to Kate's coaching expertise and questioning skills.

We discuss a range of issues, sometimes strategic, long-term challenges and sometimes more tactical, project-based matters. During the coaching programme, I've unlocked a variety of practical solutions to various quandaries, but also found the sessions to be positive, thought-provoking & ultimately incredibly valuable.


Emem Attah, Management Accountant

Kate provided the best experience I've had thus far with coaching. She was always very focused on the outcomes I wanted for me and not a minute of any session felt wasted. In addition to making my primary aims the primary aims of the session, she noted and provided resources in other areas of improvement she had independently spotted.

After 3 sessions I feel that I'm in a vastly more empowered place than when we started, having achieved some of my desired outcomes and being in the process of achieving others.


Maya Frost, Director of Marketing

Kate is very intuitive and very quickly identified and understood the issues I was facing, using coaching methods to help me arrive at much-needed conclusions and solutions, rather than spoon-feeding advice. I found this approach refreshing and very different to management training I've had in the past.

On a personal level it's been a delight talking to Kate - she's very engaging and personable and we hit it off right away!


Ali Hussain, Consultant

Kate brings a level of freshness to leadership coaching that is much needed in this ever changing working environment.

Her perspectives and angles to work life queries and concerns are second to none. Highly recommend Kate as a leadership coach!


Anna Houldsworth, Head of Department

If you are ever considering getting some coaching around specific areas of your life, I really cannot recommend Kate enough!

Thought provoking, non judgemental, incredibly powerful and has really allowed me to open my mind further. Incredible experience from start to finish. One of those game changing moments for me personally.


Giulia Artizzu, Senior HR Manager

Working with Kate helped me in identifying my values and my long-term career objectives while offering practical tools to reflect and plan.

We also looked at challenging some old habits to build new ones that will support me as HR professional and more generically as a person.

I absolutely loved our sessions and I would really recommend her to anyone thinking of getting some coaching or offering it to their team as part of their people strategy.


Jess Wyatt, Account Director

Coaching really helped me get to the core of a number of topics and come up with ideas to change some long-standing behaviours & habits.

Kate's questions got me thinking in different ways, which helped establish solutions I may not otherwise have found.

Coaching left me feeling more confident in my communication skills and lowered my stress levels. The work we did on establishing my core values was really helpful.


James Dann, Operations Director

I've had the privilege of 1-2-1 coaching sessions with Kate and it has been a powerful learning and development experience for myself.

I've learnt new skills and am in the process of changing some habits both in and out of work on the back of our sessions.

I cannot recommend Kate highly enough - it's always healthy to talk!


Emma Hillier, Senior Consultant

I have been attending Kate’s coaching sessions for the past year and have found them “on point” every time!

Kate is extremely personable, focused and not to mention highly experienced! Every session is relaxed, and I feel comfortable talking about any work situation that has arisen since the last session, that I need to discuss. Kate’s coaching techniques and tools are a valuable resource for me.

Kate allows me to get the best out of a given situation and promotes positivity throughout. After every session, Kate provides notes and resources to takeaway and use. I find them a great reference point during times where I need to revisit and remind myself of how I can lead in a positive way. I’ve seen this not only benefit myself, but as a result, my team members!

Since starting the sessions, I feel more confident and empowered, and have a clearer outlook on my career goals and what I want to achieve.

I recommend Kate for anyone who feels “stuck in a rut” with their career and is wishing to revisit their career aspirations and/or those wishing to progress into leadership.

Cannot recommend Kate highly enough and look at her “TikToks”, they’re fab! 😉


Marie-Sophie Ferriere, Sales & Marketing Manager

The coaching sessions I had with Kate had a transformative effect, not only on my deliverables but also on my career.

As well as creating a comfortable space to be heard, Kate helped me build my confidence, and gave me the tools to approach challenging situations with a new perspective.

Each session was built with a specific objective in mind - which was not only met but exceeded as I always received a mine of information and extra resources on the subject I wanted to discuss! It feels so refreshing to have a new way of doing thing. Thank you Kate!


Clare Tyndall, Head of Department

The initial programme of coaching sessions with Kate helped me to bridge the gap between where I was & where I wanted to be - which was in a senior management role. Now that I'm in the new senior role, Kate continues to help me enhance my performance & my leadership skills.

I not only come away from each conversation with a toolkit of tangible things that help me on a day to day basis & that really make a difference, I also have a safe & completely confidential space to discuss challenges.

Every session is uplifting, productive & free of judgement - we also have a right laugh which is a bonus!



Sally Willson, Founder & CFO

Kate delivered a brilliant leadership workshop to our Management and Leadership Teams, keeping everyone's attention throughout the day.

She covered many important topics including growth mindset, time management, managing others and dealing with conflict, providing the team with great insight and helpful tips to help tackle these areas.

After the workshop the team gave lots of positive feedback about Kate and her coaching style, saying how much they had learnt. We are now looking forward to her next workshop covering other valuable skills such as strategic thinking, communication and collaboration.


Seddons Solicitors

In recognition of International Women's Day, we invited Kate Waterfall Hill to our offices to host a workshop with our team...The event was a great success and served as an opportunity for our team to gather and learn with one another...The feedback was very positive and they all enjoyed the interesting points that you raised, I had a number of very insightful conversations this afternoon.

What resonated the most for me was the possibility that imposter syndrome may be something else, such as a skills gap, a development gap or just an experience gap. This knowledge I believe gives hope that everyone has the capability to close those gaps.


Rachel Winter, Commercial Manager

Kate facilitated an excellent workshop that helped me gain valuable insight into my team.

After a recent role change, I was looking for my teams input to developing the road map for what we want to achieve in the coming months, as well as help me better understand the challenges they encounter & give them a forum to share ideas for solutions. It seemed a lot to achieve, but Kate suggested and facilitated a brilliant workshop day that provided the ideal structure to generate discussions & encourage collaboration. The day was dynamic, varied & Kate was a fantastic host.

From Kate's workshop, we have been able to start developing some short, mid & long term developments as well as identify some ways to better collaborate across both our team, but the wider business also. We have taken some actions already, and am looking forward to continuing to build on what we took away.

I would highly recommend Kate - her expertise has been invaluable to developing my career journey, and I always thoroughly enjoy the opportunities we have to work together!

Media, events, podcasts & webinars


Corporate Wellbeing Expo Interview

What's the link between good leadership and employee wellbeing (and engagement)? Listen to find out!


The Jobs for Women Show (Podcast Guest)

I talk to Zoe Haydn Jones about how knowing your values helps you define your boundaries and stop people pleasing. We also talk about being clear on your ambitions and politely asking about promotion prospects to improve visibility.


ITV Interview with Jonathan Wills

I talk to Jonathan Wills about the success of my TikTok character, Linda, the bad manager.


Women in the Coaching Arena Podcast

I talk to Joanna Lott about building a coaching business, from discovering and leveraging your own unique skills, to engaging with your audience.


On the edge with April Mahoney (Podcast Guest)

I talk to April Mahoney on her On the edge podcast, about the ebbs & flows of employer/employee dynamics.


Tech World Human Skills (Podcast Guest)

I talk to Ben Pearce on his podcast, Tech World Human Skills, about leadership and how to grow to become a great leader. Consistency, commitment, being open to change, continual learning and effective communication are just some of things we discuss.


The Commercial Edge: Unleash the Power of People Podcast

I talk to Chris Webber about how to have those difficult conversations, manage conflict between colleagues and resolve it in a way that minimises clashes and builds trust from difficult relationships.


McCann Worldgroup "The Truth About Work" (Panelist)

This event saw global creative giant, McCann Worldgroup, together with co-hosts LinkedIn, share insights with some of the world's biggest brands about the future of work and employer branding.

I was delighted to be part of a panel talking about leading with purpose, employee engagement, and creating a culture of fun. Click here to read an article about the event in Little Black Book.


The Anatomy of a Leader (Podcast/YouTube Guest)

I talk to Maria Hvorostovsky about toxic bosses, the inspiration for my TikTok character, Linda, and how to be a good leader.


Why Employees Leave (Webinar Guest)

I talk to Luke Fisher from Mo about how to create more engaged teams in this webinar (which also features Linda, the toxic boss).


The Pursuit of Purpose (Podcast Guest)

I talk to Pete Al Alkawi about how I help good people to become great leaders - and it all starts with understanding their values and purpose.


How to Stop "Doing" and Start Leading (Webinar Guest)

Jay Neale, from the Agency Works, invited me to be a guest in one episode of his series of webinars aimed at supporting owners and leaders in agencies, "The A Game".

We discuss how to juggle the challenging demands of leading in an agency environment.


How to Create & Track Habits (Contributor)

Habit tracker apps might just be the key to transforming your routines (and life!) once and for all.

Whether you’re hoping to start some new healthy practices, or remove any negative tendencies from your life, habit tracking can help you forge new patterns and processes that truly stick.


The Leadership Enigma Podcast (Podcast/YouTube Guest)

I explore the challenges faced by individual contributors and small consultancies (that provide products and services to some of the largest organisations on the planet) with Adam Pacifico in this podcast.

Leaders, and especially founders, must strike the perfect balance between the human doing and the human being, with a solid support system around them.


The Parent Equation Podcast (Podcast Guest)

In this episode, I share my working parent journey.

I talk to host, Ayesha Murray, about my views on everything from part-time working and the intensity of being a working parent through to raising teens going through their own unique journeys.

Ayesha suggested that my approach to supporting our two children might be inspiring for other parents (particularly for those also in the LGBTQ+ and neurodivergent worlds).


Leadership Habits Checklist

Simple, daily steps you can take straight away to improve your approach to leadership.

Lead with confidence and purpose.

Don't be like Linda (my "toxic manager" character on TikTok).

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